Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The End

Peeps was an amazing book from beginning to end. In fact, the ending was one of the best summations of the story that I could have hoped for. I feel it was a bit too happy though, and that took away from the dark attitude that the rest of the storyline worked so hard to build up for us. From the beginning I was sure there was going to be a twist that made the book something more than just Parasite Positives versus the Night Watch. The giant worms weren't exactly where I would have went with that, but it was a nice twist none the less. I would've concocted a slightly more creative enemy, a werewolf pathogen perhaps, something more fitting to a vampire story than a worm. Overall the book tied up it's loose ends very well, and the entrance of Cal's ex-girlfriend to the story was fantastic. After reading Peeps I think I will have to go out and buy the sequel for my own enjoyment.

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